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Old 07-07-2018, 10:55 AM   #201 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
My point is (again, for the I don't know how manyth time) that once I realised he was saying that in response to a simple joke, totally unprovoked, considering the things he says, and has said, about me, yes I flipped out. Perhaps it wasn't the right way to handle it. I can accept that.


once I did, he should have backed off immediately and apologised. It was clear I was angry, was not taking it as a joke, and he continued to push me. THAT is what I have an issue with. I don't expect him to be clairvoyant, but when someone says "**** off that's not funny" it's a pretty clear indicator that it's time to stop, would you not agree?
Unless I missed something, I'm pretty sure that he's stopped making personal jokes toward you.

He did, absolutely. He kept saying "you said I could" like a child, as if, once i had tacitly accepted the things he said there were to be no limits on what he could say. I'm baffled, honestly. There was never a meeting where we sat down, PMed each other and said "come at me bro". It just happened and I accepted it because as I've already said, I thought he knew not to go too far. And when he did, I thought he would back off.
He still never said that you couldn't reverse your decision. His response was because you acted extremely outraged as if he should already know where the line is when it's actually very muddled by your past relationship.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Yeah, as pissed off as I was that he wished AIDS on me from my sister?
He didn't actually wish it on you dude, it was a joke. And yes I know you were mad but that's not really a good reason to insult other members, is it? I was just trying to explain the situation, not justify it btw.

I didn't expect him to go as far as he did, and again it was UNPROVOKED! This is what really annoys me. There was no back-and-forth. I made a simple joke and he exploded with that comment. Why can nobody understand this?
I think what you're missing here is that it was intentionally hyperbolic. Hyperbole is meant to be so over the top that it's not meant to be taken seriously. It was "provoked" by your punny joke that he was annoyed by so he responded with what he viewed as a light-hearted jab. There were just some posts in between that and he didn't quote you so it did seem a bit out of the blue.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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