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Old 07-07-2018, 10:43 AM   #196 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I wouldn't have gotten pissed off if I didn't care. You decided that you being offended warranted throwing me under the bus and didn't care to calm down and look at the situation and your own feelings rationally cause I guess I don't merit taking a step back before you self-righteously flip out. If this is all it takes to be "done with me" then that's your issue and I'm not about to let you project it on me.
The only thing you got pissed off about was that "I couldn't take a joke". You didn't get pissed off that you'd upset me (unintentionally, I do know that) or that you had pushed things too far. You were more concerned with trying to justify your stance and making excuses for it, pushing the blame on to me instead of accepting it, apologising and moving on. You think there are no limits? You think you can say ANYTHING you like? I've news for you: you can only push people so far, and your response to my post was completely disproportionate as I already said, as a response to a joke you didn't like. Nothing offensive about my post, yours was nothing but. Why you felt you had to bring Karen into it is beyond me, unless your actual intention was to shock/hurt/upset me, all of which you did.
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