Originally Posted by Trollheart
I just want you, and him, to stop making it seem as if somehow I encouraged this, when all I did was tolerate it
You didn't encourage it persay, but it is very difficult to tell where the line is when you tolerate something without saying anything. How would we know? I mean we know now, but this is in regards to the initial post.
and that I don't have the right to call time
Neither I nor Batlord have said or even implied that. From the moment I knew you were serious, action was taken to prevent it in the future. I think The Batlord is taking issue with the severity of your response to what he considered a light-hearted jab.
I'm happy to let it drop, but you keep subtly pushing me as if this were my fault. I don't get the feeling I'm getting the support I should from you or other mods, and I fear this is the way things will go the next time too, which is why I am concerned that there's no real change happening
Nope. If he makes another similar joke to you he will receive a ban.