Originally Posted by The Batlord
1. I said nothing about your sister after you made it clear you didn't appreciate it so quit playing the victim like I ignored your request for me to not say anything about her.
2. You have openly said in the past that it didn't bother you when I made similar jokes so afaic I was playing by previously established rules.
3. You don't get an apology for arbitrarily changing your stance and then dishonestly acting like that's the way it always was. If you just told me that you didn't appreciate that particular joke I would have been to acknowledge it and make sure we were okay. As it stands now all you get is my acceptance of the new status quo.
1. You didn't say anything specific about her but you went on and on about how you're "allowed" to do so. You're not allowed. I accepted that was how you were, didn't want to seem too thin-skinned, and you never went that far before.
2. See 1. The rules don't mean you can go too far. Also there were no rules as per above. Remember the crashed car analogy? That's you. Just because I let you say certain things doesn't mean I won't eventually take offence when you push it too far.
3. I don't want your apology as it would be forced and insincere, but you should know we are no longer friends. You let me down, big time, and that hurts. You don't care, which hurts more. Anyway, I'm done with you. Let's just see each other at funerals and weddings and leave it at that.
4. Another mod would have banned you, you know they would. You're lucky you are you who are and he is who he is, and that no other mod was present. But that's you I guess. You'll continue to push the limits till finally someone has had enough of you, and I hope it's a mod, and you get what you deserve.
Edit: it would have been so simple to defuse this. You could have just stood back and said sorry man I went too far. But you don't want to act like a man, just like a spoiled child who wants to be able to do anything he wants, and stamp your foot when you're called out on it.I really thought better of you than that.