The problem I see is that either Batty will ignore this thread or will come in acting as if he's the victim, as he has already done. As I've said, sure that joke (let's call it a comment: it's nowhere close to a joke and it's not even remotely funny) might have passed under the radar if we had been trading insults. But we weren't. It came out of nowhere. This is actually a decent analogy of what happened.
Two guys who are always pulling each other's chains meet. One guy thumps the other on the shoulder and goes "How are ya, ya big homo? Ain't see you in days!"
The other turns and smacks him over the head with a chair.
Only one response to this: wtf?
But even if the comment might have been acceptable (it really wasn't, but I can see how he might have thought it would be ok), once I said no, it isn't, you've gone too far, he should have stopped. And Frownland, as a mod, should have told him to knock it off. Neither thing happened, which is why I'm so angry. The last comment from Batty was last night, demanding an apology from me and even setting a deadline!
Let this be very clear: I do NOT want him banned. I'm not a dick. Well, I am, but, you know, not over this. I don't really even expect an apology, that's not him. But this HAS hurt our relationship/friendship, not because of the comment per se, but because of his intractability about it when I made it clear it was not ok. That's between us though. I just want to know that when this happens again (and it will) to me or to anyone else, by him or anyone else, the mods will actually take action, and not just wag a finger while grinning behind their hands. It's very disheartening to find that that is the attitude of at least one mod.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018