Originally Posted by The Batlord
We're not allowed to laugh at the Tea Party? Is it because it's wrong to mock the mentally challenged?
No, but this was before the Tea Party took over congress. Bet she wasn't laughing when they got elected. Sorry, I'm a lefty, but I just can't take Maddow very seriously.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Like when he made Sarah Palin his VP candidate as a cheap ploy to appeal to women? Or the time he tried to get us to go to war with Russia over Georgia?
**** him.
The McCain campaign wasn't one of the better ones, was it? He had horrible staff. And, no, I don't agree with him very much. He is something of a Nationalist. But at least he has principles which is more than I can say for most of congress.
Keep an eye on Susan Collins (stop looking at her butt, Batlord). She's the one Republican that might stand up to the far right. Also, it is an election year so the Republicans have to be careful if they want to keep the Senate. Yes, the Dems are defending 25 of the 33 seats up for grabs but stranger things have happened.