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Old 06-29-2018, 04:53 AM   #21673 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lilja View Post
I thought "Intersteller" was a good movie..but personally I liked "The Dark Knight" closely followed by "Dunkirk". Although "Dunkirk" is a more specialised film for me as I wouldn't reccomend it to someone just to watch at home if they have an average tv/speaker setup. To truly appreciate it, you need to watch it in 70 mm format in a theatre that has the capability to show it. You really feel like you are in the film, in the middle of the action. Just watching it at home, are missing out on the whole experience of the film. It is the equivalent of watching it through a keyhole.

I guess the closest you could come to it at home is perhaps if you watched it with a VR setup or have a really great home theatre setup. In terms of VR setups, I haven't tried that with mine but, honestly, I get a bit of a headache after playing "Skyrim" on it, much less watch a whole film.

Intersteller was gorgeous though.
It's hard to explain why I don't like Nolan's movies. They just don't speak to me much at all.

I'd never want to watch anything on a VR setup or play VR games. I'm 100% certain it would make me motion sick like hell in just a few minutes.
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