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Old 06-24-2018, 09:02 PM   #9 (permalink)
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You never answered whether you've played SF, or watched any SF competitions. I think you'd really like it if you gave it a chance.

Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
as far as I'm aware they're not really comparable

Now what makes Melee just a superior game is DI and how the combo game is so jazzy, most combos are improvised on the spot rather than based on memorized sequences
SF is the same way. Each character has just a few moves, so few that you can basically learn to execute them all in like an hour or less. Just like with Smash, the complexity doesn't come from huge pre-set or memorized combos. It's not like Tekken, with uber-combos that people practice for years. The emphasis is much more on taking the few tools you're given, and learning to use and combine them free-form at the right moment with perfect timing.

Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
you want to blink forward, you double tap the stick in every fighter

but nah not in Melee, you have to do some jank ass directional air dodge into the ground that requires 4 inputs and a week minimum to learn because it's not even meant to be in the game
If complexity gets you hard, you should see all of the weird ways people have learned to maneuver in Tekken. Play TTT2 and you'll see what I mean. Just one character has more complexity, more tech (both intentionally made by the devs and unintentional), more tricks to discover, than the entirety of Melee. I'm not even exaggerating. You wouldn't believe the insane streams of inputs people string together with utter perfection in just one or two seconds.

To be a top level player, you have to experiment with every strike, stance, counter, cancel, every single movement you can possibly make, and find every variation of how they all bleed together. Just the standard command list, the absolute basics that the game gives you before you learn advanced techniques and make your own combos, is like Stephen King novel long. And those are basically just the suggestions the devs put in for newbies.

Doubt you'd like it, though. High level play is much less about on-the-fly snap strikes, and much more about setting up the inescapable juggling sequences you've memorized. The APM is probably hilariously low, since experts can kill with just three or four hits to the head, and matches tend to end very quickly.
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