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Old 06-09-2018, 09:13 PM   #4139 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Some info to digest.

- Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US.
- Last year 45,000 people committed suicide. That's 124 each and every day.
- For every person that dies there's about another 25 people who try but fail. That's 1.3 million people last year or 3,560 a day.

Most of these folks have parents, siblings, children, a career, friends, and seemingly a reason to live. So why is it so prevalent? 3,560 people a day get that low inside their own heads that they try and opt out of life.

I find your attitude and comments on the subject pretty damn appalling. But you just keep doing what you do to. It's obvious you simply don't give a **** or care about those who've seen it up close. Or feel pain when it happens to someone they feel akin to even though they've never met in person.


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