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Old 06-08-2018, 09:35 AM   #4073 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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OH, he was more than just a TV host. But, whatever man. You can choose to feel however you want about people no matter how empty it seems to portray you.


I'm heartbroken. I never get this way when celebrities/people I've never met die. This was different. I drank his books. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to travel and eat and just experience life the way he did. He battled an opiate addiction and came out of it just humbled and willing to take whatever path. He wasn't just some TV host that felt like he deserved his fame...

"I should’ve died in my 20s. I became successful in my 40s. I became a dad in my 50s. I feel like I’ve stolen a car — a really nice car — and I keep looking in the rearview mirror for flashing lights."

He couldn't believe the opportunities that were given him and he was always thankful. I've seen every one of his shows, read every one of his books, went to F*CKING EUROPE for 7 weeks on my own because he was able to show me what life could be like if you went out to grab it. He worked his ass off in kitchens from dishwasher to chef. He ALWAYS took care of the people close to him(which makes me so sad for his daughter). He grew up a few towns over from me. He wrote in his books how he would hop on buses to NYC like a moth drawn to a lightbulb. I took those same buses. I moved to Fort Lee/Leonia, not really because he grew up there, but I still wanted to be so close to that city and have the same opportunities like he did. He's quintessential NJ/NYC native. Brash yet lovable "Give me my bagel so I can get the f*ck to work and I hope you have a great weekend" personality that I relate to so much.

There are places I've been to on this Earth that I'll always remember because he wrote about it. He shed light on it. These are off the beaten path places. Places you just don't hear about unless somebody tells you.

I know this is long winded and I didn't know the man personally but when somebody that has such a big influence on you dies, especially in the way he did, it hurts. There are two people that I have never met that have shaped the way I look at the world and how I shaped myself as a person with ambitions and life goals...

Tom Waits and Anthony Bourdain.

I got in the car this morning after I heard because I had an estate sale with punk records I need to go to. First song on shuffle that started to play? "Come on up to the House" by Tom Waits. Killed me. Didn't think I'd get emotional over the death of a "celebrity" but sh*t...everybody has idols.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”

R.I.P. you crazy f*cking mofo.

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