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Old 05-31-2018, 07:56 PM   #51604 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Oh man! I forgot the postscript!
Karen comes home, looking a lot better (second day, well, third really as it was Wednesday morning) and the nurses, and the doctor I spoke to, have promised they'll give me a prescription for Tramadol, great for the pain. I sign the form and ask the ambulance guy where's the prescription, he says no, they asked THREE TIMES was there any prescription to bring back and were told no. I ring the nurse, she says oh **** we forgot it (how can you forget when someone has ASKED YOU THREE ****ING TIMES???) so we'll fax it to her GP. GP don't have fax (they're living in the 21st century, while the hospital thinks it's the 1980s). Email it to us, the doc says, but no, the hospital don't have or use email with attachments.

So this is what you have: one entity completely outdated trying to communicate with another who is totally up to date, then the up to date one trying to communicate with the one that is outdated. The final suggestion? We can post it. POST IT?? (Mail it, for you Americans) - that could take two days! I need it NOW!

So in the end, I have to get on a bus, go pick the prescription up from the hospital, go to the chemist, get it filled, bring it back. Oh, and they forgot to send home her fan too, so I had to pick that up also. Not the first time that's happened!
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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