Originally Posted by The Batlord
I'm assuming he's talking about the basic concepts of thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, love thy neighbor, and whatever else society would destroy itself over if it didn't have those rules. Do the least amount of harm to the least amount of people seems like a pretty easy and obvious rule that you can't argue with. Plenty of wiggle room with legalese as the millennia have proven, but murder is still basically a universal no no so long as you don't complicate it with things like war and executions.
Basically the instincts all humans have that enable cooperative society to exist in the first place. Those are precepts that are so obvious that evolution has burned them into our brains. 1+1=2 morality.
Gramma done tole me I knows rights from wrongs
I hear you but once I get out of bed there’s so many ****ing angles it’s all meaningless