Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
and when i flew into newark i thought it smelled bad.
This is the exact reason NJ gets a bad reputation but it's totally fair to think Newark smells bad because it really really does.
I did a lot of travelling over the last two years. Took nine weeks off and went to Europe for a solo trip. I hit the the UK, Ireland, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Iceland.
Last year I drove across the country by myself. Took the southern route. Took me six days. Had a blast. Lived in California for three months and drove up to Canada to camp for ten days by myself and then d rove back to NJ through Canada up to the great lakes where I dipped back in and stopped in Chicago.
Some people have issues going to the movies by themselves. I have traveled half the earth by myself.