Originally Posted by SmokeAndMirrors
Not in fifteen years. The last time I did, I was put on Zoloft, and accidentally given the maximum adult dosage when I was a teenager. Which ****ed up my memory, and also made it difficult for me to be artistically expressive. I'm considering going back to see a doctor, I just need to be able to afford it.
Every single person I know (from USA) that has been prescribed something has always dealt with a bad prescription. With me when I was I kid they were quick to misdiagnose me with ADHD and prescribe me medication for that. My friend's Grandma was accidentally prescribed the wrong medication and it destroyed one of her organs which drastically shortened her life. I have a strong distrust for medication and I'm not sure if this problem is exclusive to the US. If it gets overwhelming I'd definitely suggest talking to a counselor as soon as you have the chance, though.