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Old 05-08-2018, 01:00 PM   #455 (permalink)
Jacob Sartorius
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Join Date: May 2016
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Anime Sucks!

And that's why I'm going to talk about my favorite one!

I hate the seemingly more traditional style of anime that's along the lines of Dragon Ball Z and Naruto. Boring! I prefer something where it's retarded! So bad it's good. Something along the lines of B Gata H Kei!

It's about a fifteen year old girl who wants to have sex with a 100 guys before high school ends.

That is the single dumbest idea for a show I've ever heard!
That's why it's so good. The anime doesn't take itself seriously either. It's freaking awesome!

You have problems
I know... thanks for the reminder...

Anyway, the main character, Yamada, is still a virgin when the series picks up. She believes that her first time needs to be with another virgin before she can screw a hundred men.

The strange thing is that I feel like I can relate to this story more then most other stories.

... You wanted to screw a hundred dudes in high school.
No! The story actually revolves around the awkwardness of sex when you're a teenager just learning about it and attempting to experience it. The 100 dudes thing is merely a set-up.

I rate this 91 dudes!

Last edited by Blank.; 05-08-2018 at 01:06 PM.
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