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Old 05-07-2018, 02:22 PM   #109 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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There's no question that the old rivalry between Ireland and England is always going to be hard to get rid of. I mean, even now, people (me included) resisted the idea of your queen coming here. I mean, **** her: what has she to do with us? She's a redundant relic of a state oppression system that all but tried to force the Irish into annihilation, but of course all that's forgotten about now. Still hate the bitch, sorry if that's crossing the line with you.

But rivalries aside, I'm talking about the general behaviour of fans, and even were we in the WC this year and our guys met your guys, I'm going to lay good money that if there was any trouble it would have been started by your lads. They have improved, undoubtedly, but the Irish fans never had to. They were always great. Well, as long as I've been following footy, which is from Italia 90 or so.

Nordies are of course a different matter, but they have their own fans. If they ever make it to a world or European championship!
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