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Old 05-07-2018, 01:18 PM   #103 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Man like Monkey View Post
I think there was trouble at Euro 88 involving Ireland, they were playing England though. Been loads involving Celtic fans as well, OK not the ROI national team but they seem to think they're Irish.
Ireland v England has always been a flashpoint. And yes I remember Lansdowne; saw it on the telly. Disgraceful.

I think usually the Celtic thing is when they play Rangers is it not? The Old Firm Clash (literally) and that's all about the old chestnut, Protestants v Catholics. I'm not familiar with the antics of Celtic supporters, but yeah, I was talking about those supporting the national Irish team.
The ROI supporters are OK.
Best in the world, mate.

Nobody likes us and we don't care

But I understand it. 70s, 80s and 90s they did not behave well in Europe. Hooliganism, the English disease. You no doubt remember Landsdowne Road in 1995 TH. France 98 was a real turning point and the fan base changed. Used to be shaven heads and Aquascutum, now it's quiffs and knight costumes. They are a bit better now, but occasionally you still see violence and once you have that reputation its hard to get rid of.
Yeah in fairness it's all about the Russkies now. Mind you, when you have the goddamn government supporting their behaviour, what can you expect?
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