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Old 05-06-2018, 10:54 AM   #8129 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: East of the Southern North American West
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1. What's one negative thing you can say about one of your friends, family or someone you know well? Obviously, it's up to you how much or how little you elaborate on this.

All but two of my friends are unreliable, irresponsible alcoholics.

2. What genre of music did you FIRST really get into, and are you still into it?

Some branch of rock. I remember listening to my dad's Extreme and Faith No More albums quite a bit at around 5 when I started digging into music. Not into glam, kinda into alt-metal these days.

3. What's your level of gardening expertise or interest, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not interested/black thumb and 10 is TV garden show-level expert and enthusiast?

5. I'm interested in it for the same of eventually having a garden, I just don't do it often apart from caring for my cactus, so I'm not very experienced.

4. Name one (or more) thing you dislike about summer?

Heat not only sucks but it makes people stupid and crazy so it ****s up traffic too

5. What's your view on kids; whether it's having them yourself or other people having them?

They're usually pretty small, so my view on kids is from above.

Other people can have kids but ffs train your pets people. I personally won't be having any, it doesn't sound like a very attractive life.

6. Is there anyone you would legitimately die for?

A few of those unreliable, irresponsible alcoholics I mentioned earlier. It also depends on the context. If it was a dangerous situation like a shooting or natural disaster, I would probably die trying to help or protect someone because of a slim possibility that I'll make it. If it's a movie-type ultimatum like home invaders saying I can sacrifice myself for my friend or I can go free, I'm pretty sure I'd be too selfish to die for anyone under those circumstances.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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