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Old 05-06-2018, 08:01 AM   #8125 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Aalborg
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I'm still thirsty, so I guess I'll bite and have another six.
("Thristy", "bite" - I'm really mixing my metaphors here.)

1. What's one negative thing you can say about one of your friends, family or someone you know well? Obviously, it's up to you how much or how little you elaborate on this.

I will say nothing about my family, but one of my friends has this bad habit of not listening as much as just waiting impatiently for his trun to speak. If he ever wondered why I'm not coming by more often, that's why.

2. What genre of music did you FIRST really get into, and are you still into it?

The first music I got into was rock, since Queen's Greatest Hits vol. 2 was the first music I didn't just have on in the background, but actually really got excited about.

EDIT: I didn't actually answer the question, so I'll add this: I don't really listen to Queen anymore, but through them, rock music was the first genre I connected with and I still listen to rock bands. Just not many. But there are a few that I love to death.

3. What's your level of gardening expertise or interest, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not interested/black thumb and 10 is TV garden show-level expert and enthusiast?

I have 2 cactuses and one sort of big, bushy thing in my living room window, so I don't hate plants. But that's it, and they don't necessarily thrive perfectly. I'm sort of a 2 or a 3. I mean, since I had my own little garden where we lived when I was a little kid, I guess I still know how to plant peas and carrots and such. So I guess I'm a 4 if you add my basic skillset to my low level of interest.

4. Name one (or more) thing you dislike about summer?

That it's so hot. I'm only happy when the climate is perfectly temperate.

5. What's your view on kids; whether it's having them yourself or other people having them?

Kids are generally fun (assuming they've got good parents) and I believe in respecting the intelligence of kids - because they're often capable of much more than ****ty kids TV channels seem to assume.

I don't want any of my own - or at least not unless I meet someone I'm sure I'll stay with. Even then, I'd prefer she just brought her own from a previous relationship. I don't want to go through all that mess and fuss that babies cause.

I don't have all of those cynical views on kids I'm sure several other members here will be putting forth if they answer these questions

6. Is there anyone you would legitimately die for?

That's a tough question. I'd like to think so, but I don't know if I'd chicken out if I actually had to make the choice for real...

Last edited by MicShazam; 05-06-2018 at 10:38 AM.
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