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Old 05-06-2018, 05:13 AM   #8121 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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Are you good at giving head?
Are you coming on to me? I'm not hearing a "no"....
Would you give up all other sources of income for the chance to get paid $1000 every time you dropped acid for the rest of your life (supply and legality are no problem)?
No. I'm not interested in drugs. #BoringTrollheart
Would you kill Trump if it were completely foolproof and instead of Pence you would become president?
No. I don't and wouldn't want the incredible pressure of being president. I'd kill Trump happily though every day of the week, though it would probably need to be part of a decapitation strike that brought America to its knees and made Mexico the world superpower in its place.

What’s the largest living thing you ever killed?
Probably a wasp. Some flying insect. Crane fly maybe. Assuming this doesn't include pets I had to have put down. If it does, then a dog would be the largest.

Have you ever been sexually harassed or assaulted?
Nyet. If you saw me you'd know why.
Do you have genital herpes? If not, is it a deal breaker?
Honestly, is there something wrong with you? What's with all the sexual questions?
And no I don't. Don't know about the other part.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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