04-22-2018, 02:03 PM
#10073 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2015
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Originally Posted by Oriphiel
It's not a very long game. Probably the shortest of the main REs. Honestly, I probably could've finished it in one sitting if I wasn't so rusty.
Oh yeah, and HOLY FUCK I FORGOT HOW FUCKING HARD DINO CRISIS IS. Like, jesus christ. Capcom weren't fucking around with that shit. Keys, numbered keyplates, programmable keyplates, keycards, id cards, DDK discs that come in pairs and require a cryptographical code cracking to use, FUCK YOU SHINJI MIKAMI, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY KEYS? And the whole time you're searching through every box of cheerios in the compound for the goddamn things, you're juggling a million types of ammo and health items and plugging up gaping wounds as FUCKING RAPTORS THAT FOLLOW YOU THROUGH DOORS rip your anus into confetti. Fuuuuuu
Edit: And fuck whoever decided that you can't even use the storage boxes until you comb every ass hair of the facility for those stupid fucking plugs.
A bunch of reasons why I only liked Dino Crisis 2.