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Thread: I hate grunge.
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Old 04-21-2018, 06:24 AM   #590 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MicShazam View Post
Totally agree on Fixxxer, but to me, reload is pretty much great after the first three, very skippable songs (Fuel, The Memory Remains, Devil's Dance). I like the more colorful guitar playing on ReLoad, plus I think the vocals are generally the best of Hetfield's career. I come back to this album much more than I do with Load.

Load has some gold, but I don't really like Ain't My Bitch, 2X4, Cure, Poor Twisted Me and Ronnie. I've also always felt that the heavy chorus in Until it Sleeps is not nearly as good as the quiet parts.
I actually liked Fuel and Memory. I haven't heard ReLoad in a while. But I do remember liking the song Prince Charming for its guitar.

I really need to relisten to both albums before I judge them too much more, it's been too long since I heard either in full. But I'm not exactly itching to hear them again, I'll need to be in a very specific mood, then maybe.
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