Now I know what you're thinking...I recently abandoned my gigantic project that was the MusicBanter smash hit thread of 2017: "YorkeDaddy Reviews Various Marsupials". I know it came as a disappointment to many, if not all of you. But I've come to realize that such threads are just too much of an undertaking for my wall-to-wall schedule, and I need to narrow my scope if I ever hope to complete one of these projects in a way that feels satisfying both to me but also to my loyal readers.
So without further adieu, I decided it was time to unveil my new project: YorkeDaddy Reviews Flamingos.
Some of you are probably thinking, "holy ****, this guy must be crazy, how could he hope to review
every flamingo?" I know, it sounds difficult. But if anyone can pull it off, it's me. I have years of experience reviewing all different kinds of things. Hell when I first joined MusicBanter I rose to prominence with my eloquent, exhilirating, and undeniably sexually thrilling threads like "YorkeDaddy Reviews the Wildlife of Zimbabwe" or one of my more wilder adventures "YorkeDaddy Reviews Plums". So I think I'm coming from a place of experience when I say this is a project I can complete and turn into something truly great.
I'm rambling a bit, so I'll cut things short there. This thread will follow the standard for my threads, where I will be posting the flamingo in question, writing my analytical expert thoughts on the specimen, then giving the final review score of "X" flamingos out of 5. I hope you're all as excited as I am, and as a special treat I've taken the time to write the very first review in this opening post! Boy what a treat you are all in for.
While my threads are well-known for the more zany reviews of the various wacky creatures that inhabit our earth, I thought I'd start things out with a very standard flamingo and give my thoughts on it, just so we all have a baseline for what to expect and how I compare flamingos to a basic, run-of-the-mill flamingo. This here is clearly a beautiful specimen, doing that flamingo thing where it stands on one leg for some reason. Like literally no one knows why, you can Google it. Even ****ing scientists only have a few guesses as to why that happens. I mean come on how cool is that? You'll all notice the perfect flamingo neck curvature, showing just how weird these dumb ass birds are. The pink is vibrant and pleasing to the eye. The backdrop for the photo only adds to the beauty of the shot, creating a canvas worthy of such a magnificent creature to be displayed upon. This is truly a high standard to set, and one of the very great flamingos I have laid eyes upon.
Final Rating:
