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Old 04-17-2018, 04:33 PM   #10063 (permalink)
Black Francis
Out of Place
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Originally Posted by Justthefacts View Post
Ok first of all Saints Row fucking sucks. Every single one of them. GTA 4's gameplay still holds up phenomenally. I think the story is the darkest story GTA's ever made and I appreciate that tonal change. So anyway you slice it, you can suck a veiny one.

Edit: Also, if you say anything blasphemous about Metal Gear, I will personally jog to your house and make you run on a treadmill you fat fuck.
Yea but..

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
In many ways SR3 and 4 had their issues, but they both took the series in the direction they absolutely should have gone. Steelport was an inferior city to Stillwater, and the plots became secondary to the nonsense, but the nonsense was absolutely what set Saints Row 2, 3, and 4 apart from GTA and made it a series that was more than just a clone. SR3 was a cluster**** of nonsensical bull**** that made the spectacle of the game something to be marveled at in a way that the series never had accomplished before. And SR4 was art in its stupidity.
They doubled down on the stupid alright but personally i enjoyed playing SR2 more than 3. I agree it's kinda cool they took the franchise in that direction but at the same time layering a bunch of wacky bullsht on top of gta gameplay can't replace the gta experience. San Andreas was awesome without needing a ***** bat.
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