04-17-2018, 05:55 AM
#10711 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: The Black Country
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Morrissey talks racism, 'left-wing' Hitler and says that 'Sadiq Khan can not talk properly' - NME
Morrissey interview.
"As far as racism goes, the modern Loony Left seem to forget that Hitler was Left wing,” said Morrissey. “But of course, we are all called racist now, and the word is actually meaningless"
“It’s just a way of changing the subject. When someone calls you racist, what they are saying is ‘hmm, you actually have a point, and I don’t know how to answer it, so perhaps if I distract you by calling you a bigot we’ll both forget how enlightened your comment was’.”
He's actually right
“London is second only to Bangladesh for acid attacks. All of the attacks are non-white, and so they cannot be truthfully addressed by the British government or the Met Police or the BBC because of political correctness.
That will upset a few but he's not wrong.
Moz >>>