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Old 03-31-2018, 12:03 PM   #21216 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Akai View Post
People who constantly bash Tarantino are just pretentious wankers that need shooting immediately.

The kind of people who watch Seven Seal, Tokyo Story and Metropolis in one sitting and proceed to think they're the piniccle of taste in film.

The kind of people that will wait till 'Ambiancé' comes out and then go around lying to everyone that they saw the entire thing and thought it was 'inspired' just so they can feel as though they have more credibility than everyone else because they made everyone think they watched an 'avant grade' black and white 30day long load of filler fuelled trash.
Or maybe people just watch the kind of movies they connect with the most. I don't go around and bash Tarantino constantly, but I'm not really a fan. I've seen most of them, at least.

Don't divide movies up in pretentious/not pretentious. There's a lot of really good drama films and a lot of really good genre films. Doesn't have to be either/or.

A friend of mine who is mostly a gamer and not really that into movies has a version of that opinion. He'll talk about movies as if there's only the sort he knows (Star Wars, X-Men, Terminator, Ghostbusters) and then pretentious indie art house movies with slow moving shots and violin music, accompanied by some read-aloud French poetry or whatever. He basically doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

He doesn't really care enough about movies, so I just give it a pass and stop arguing with him.
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