I mean real ones, not us cyberspace vampires.

Who were your first/original/school/play friends, and do you still see them? Did you lose contact, move away, just drift apart, or do you still see or hear from them regularly? If you have lost contact, do you wish you could talk to them again or are they a part of your past that you feel is done with now?
For me they're all gone. They were
Declan: best friend in school. Totally lost contact once I left school.
John: Childhood friend. Lost contact when we moved to Darndale.
Gary: Best friend ever. He moved to London in the late eighties, sadly passed away in 1987. Miss him terribly.
Philip: He and Gary were my friends at the same time; went to the same school, had our first job together (working after school in a department store). He moved to Florida. I see him occasionally when he comes back to visit. He's married with kids and all.
Tony F: Met him when we were both working at a local radio station. Lost contact shortly after the millennium. Think he married an Italian girl.
Tony F2: Lived in Darndale, was always down here, messing on computer, watching telly. He moved to I think Wexford, another county down south and I lost touch with him. Met him briefly a few years back; he promised to come up for Christmas but never did. He left no contact details with me so that was that. I half expected as much.