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Thread: First Love
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Old 03-01-2006, 06:44 PM   #8 (permalink)
Mama Booze
Here's lookin at you, kid
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: The White Hotel
Posts: 366

Farrrrrr across the distance...
and spaaaaaaces betweeennnn uss..
you have come to show us....
gooo onn...

*crys* I actually cried at this thread...gosh. haha

Well alright, the first was not really a love, more of a so in love with the idea of being in love...but ok, I was infatuated with them...them is the reason I am now grounded from IM since thanksgiving of two years ago....ha. we had some good times...I still talk to them, even in brief. But it was a good time.

The other one...some people say I loved them as much as I possibly could. And I did. We were just made for each other. We were one of those couples that were so sickeningly was wonderful and uplifting while it lasted...and we sure did rack up some phone bills, heh. And we were on again off again for two years...we fought a lot. But in the times we weren't fighting...heh it was maybe the happiest I'd ever been. And now it's we don't speak, hardly. Because we had tthis one really big fight. Don't even remember what it was about...isn't that sad? Yea...I can't really describe it, in the words of the old Rose in the Titanic, "a woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets."
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