Originally Posted by MicShazam
I imagine this could describe a regular listening session for Batlord.
(pls don't kill me, MB) Britney goes surprisingly well with Throbbing Gristle if you're a little bit drunk and keep accidentally playing several wildly different Youtube tabs/playlists at the same time till you've created an oddly pleasing cacophony of nonsense (featuring Britney's robotic bleating)
Originally Posted by The Batlord
More or less, but t.A.T.u. lost their allure years ago when I found out they weren't lesbos.
I always kind of figured they weren't, but when you're a repressed bisexual in the 8th grade (with two friends who were embroiled in their own secret lesbian love affair) you just have to cling on to that wild hope for as long as you can.