Originally Posted by ledzeppelinrulz
went to a party, girl apprently liked me, was with me for all of the party and we hit it off really well, a couple days later i went to the movies with my friends (she was there too) again i was with her for the whole time we were there, but like im a mega no self-esteem guy so i never thought she liked me, i only found out cos her friends told me, i asked her out and we were together for a couple months and i was really happy, i wasnt depressed anymore or anythn and i was makin 10 songs a day about her, and at the height of my happiness, she dumped me and to make matters worse, she did it on msn. that killed me, i now am constantly thnkn about her and gettin depressed and at one point i wanted to kill myself, but my friends are all supportive and stuff. so yea. i still make songs about her, only theyre not happy, more depressed "y did u hurt me" kinda songs.
this whole thing put me off relationships and goin out.
those to me are the best types of songs..
if your a really depressive person, when your with someone then just become this happy person, its because you were dependent on her to make you happy.. and well her just being there being with you made you a happy guy.. thus making everything else in your life easier to live with. then when the relationship ends, its like a big shock to your ego, to your self esteem.. to your mind.. and everything seems so much harder then it ever was before she came into your life.. nothing seems as great anymore, like there's a fog between you and your thoughts of her.. how every thought leads back to her, how you just can't runaway from the thought of her.
i used to get like that... but yea there just my opinions
i was 14 i new this guy.. noel, and well to me he was this mall rat dirt bag that thought he was cool sh
it. (i was also a mall rat... but yes i was a bitch of a bitch in my mind) I always disliked him and most of his friends, they all annoyed the sh
it out of me. So he's going out with this friend of mine, we weren't close or anything just sat with each other on the bus to school and every now and then would make plans to hang out but never actually would. So then she starts to talk to me and her and noel, and i just laughed about it.. thought she was a stupid girl for going out with him. so then one day noel's ex girlfriend is over at my house, and noel is just leaving his girlfriend's house and walks through my backyard on his way home (which isn't creepy really cause it was like this big feild, and then like alot of trees in those trees was a playground) and he seen us out on the back step.. cause my friend was having a smoke. and he came over to talk to her cause well they were still friends, so then me and noel are fighting about some random things, and she buts in and says it would be so funny if you guys end up together.. and we all laughed it off.. so noels gf is having trouble in the relationship with him and starts to talk ot me about it, i tried to help out was being honest and what not.. and then out of no where he desides he wants me and breaks up with her and starts seeing me that night..(well not kiss) he said he loved me when we were together for liek a few weeks, i never said it back.. but he was my best relationship i've had.. and i've been in like 4 sense then.. weird how things work out.. i was his first love he wasn't mine
why i broke up with him:
a- i needed to learn what it was like to break a heart
b- he was really needy and i wasn't ready for that then
c- i couldn't have a life... cause he was always there.. we had to be together at all times
my first love:
summer of 2004, i was seeing this guy for about 5 months when finally i said it.. but it was only true in the moments i said it.. why? because he was to much of a a
ssholes to hold my heart throughout the hole relationship... i fell in love and out of love within weeks.. yet the relationship lasted a year after falling out of love.. becuase i was stupid and wouldn't leave.