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Old 03-25-2018, 10:10 AM   #1441 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
Batlord/OH say the most "too far" jokes of every member.. The only difference is Batlord gets away with it because for whatever reason it's perceived differently by certain members, like yourself. As I said, people need to grow the **** up and express when they feel like a joke has gone to far(which you have done in the past BTW, which is why i used you as an example) WITHOUT acting like Chula and just throwing out personal attacks that aren't joking. We don't need mods deciding what is and isn't too far if the parties involved are not making an issue out of the things being said. Stop trying to justify Chula's behavior as a defense for jokes he couldn't take. If he doesn't like the jokes directed at him the correct response is not to tell people to **** off and call them *******s.
No, you're right. We all have a part to play, and as you say, using a "You send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of yours to the morgue" approach is not acceptable either. I really wouldn't have a problem with this ban if it had been anyone other than Frown wielding the hammer. Whether it's the case or not, that's always going to look like a personal vendetta. On both sides. Essentially, to take your own advice above, BOTH of them should grow the **** up, but I think the onus is more on the mod, as they are a) the ones expected to keep order and b) the only ones who can wield the hammer. But yeah, Chula needs to realise he can't do that stuff either and just get away with it.

I think with Batty it's a case of (he'll kill me but anyway) his heart is in the right place. He knows when he's gone too far (or when someone else has) and either pulls back or just grins at what's going on. I can think of few occasions where he really angered me (though there have been a few) but if he did, I usually took it to PM to say, basically, "really dude? Are you serious?" And most times he told me that no, he was not. If Chula and Frown (or Chula and anyone he offends or is seen to offend) were to do this, maybe we wouldn't have so much drama and maybe people wouldn't have to be banned.

Is someone going to bring Occulthawk a rabbit or something while he's banned? Don't want him starving on us.
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