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Old 03-24-2018, 10:54 AM   #1343 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
I tbink we have a goodmod team now and ive seen all of them except maybe Bricks intervene in threads to tell people to knock it off. I think the biggest problem is that aside feom Frown they are not as active as many of us.
This is kind of the problem, though. I've really only seen Frown intervene when it's a conversation he's involved in. I've yet to see him drop into a thread he's not taking part in and say "cool it guys." I've seen Jansz and Exo do this, and to my mind, while I don't of course know what goes on behind the scenes with spam an' all, both of them are better examples of what I'd want from a mod than him. Frown always gives me the impression he's not really that bothered about being a mod, unless it serves his purpose at the time. That may be unfair, I don't know - and obviously, given our history, I'm somewhat biased against him - but I'm not the only one to see this, surely? I feel mods should be, when making decisions at least, impartial, and Frown never is. Most often, the only one who gets threatened with a ban from him is Chula. Ain't that odd?
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