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Old 03-21-2018, 05:53 AM   #149 (permalink)
cooler commie than elph
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Originally Posted by Norg View Post
Dang wtf just happened Kim ...kinda like sat the hell down and started asking for deals now ..????
They've been doing so since Clinton. The DPRK has offered to denuclearize several times, if the US would meed these modest demands:

- A peace agreement to end the Korean War
- That the US ceases its annual military exercises simulating the total destruction of North Korea
- That the US takes its 30,000 soldiers off the peninsula

US presidents since Bush Jr. have refused any negotiations about this. Who's the real aggressor? The new thing is that Donald Trump actually has accepted negotiations. Let's hope they'll be real, bilateral negotiations, and not another opportunity for the US to impose their agenda on weaker countries.

Ron Paul is actually one of the cooler heads on the Korean issue.
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