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Old 03-19-2018, 10:18 AM   #2223 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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So I guess you've all figured out that I've changed my mind and will stay here after all.

Thanks for all your testimonials and good wishes, and especially thanks to Frown and Hawk, who turned out to be (despite what I said to Hawk, and which he now carries, seemingly proudly, in his sig) bigger men than I had taken you for.

I didn't want to leave, but felt I had no choice. I'm glad to see I was wrong. I will however be closing this thread, as I feel it's kind of run its course now, and while I wanted to finish it, I think it might be a little bloody-minded just to slog through another six months doing something that, while I did enjoy it, has lost its sheen somewhat. Also, I think in some ways it's been part of the malaise that was affecting me and part of the problem I saw coming here every day. Too much work and not enough play, I guess. I'll take a step back now.

Please, please, please do NOT think or assume that I wish to be handled with kid gloves, that you can't slag, insult or mock me. That is, after all, part and parcel of this place and one of the things that makes it such fun. Just do realise (not only for me, of course) that sometimes - only sometimes - it can go too far and passes from the realm of fun into abuse, and recognise that it's then time to pull back.

Other than that, have at it, and glad to be back. Though, I guess, I never really went away. Well, glad to still be here, I guess.

Now, who's for an eighty-page review of Marillion's discography?

Actually, hell with that: I have a Maiden thread to revive!
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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