^ Hi Trollheart!
First things first: if you have a change of heart and decide to continue here, you'll make a lot of members happier. BTW, when I tried this morning, your PM box was full. I'd berate you for not keeping shop properly, but this is probably not the right moment....
On more complex issues:-
Originally Posted by Paedantic Basterd
Rubber Soul isn't wrong.
This place has a particular attitude. It has an aggressive and insensitive culture. I'm not going to argue that those are inherently bad things, but I will definitely tell you it's the reason we lose so many contributors over the years. Rubber Soul, Trollheart, Pet Sounds, Mojo, NSW, Jack Pat, Stu, Bob, Tore, Sequioidedae, Engine, Dankrstra, Cunning Stunt, on and on and on goes the list of people who eventually get alienated by the general mood around here.
^ I completely agree with this, and would only add that there are others who dip in briefly and leave, as well as an unknown quantity of people who take a look, assess the atmosphere and never join at all.
I'm sure modding is a difficult job and nothing is harder than making a judgement call about when good-natured ribbing morphs into bitter attacking. One rule of thumb might be that if you don't like the content of a thread, just leave it alone. It's not like MB is short of threads and topics to post in.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
People leave for all sorts of reasons: maybe they’re over sensitive pansies, maybe they think it’s too snowflakey and not abrasive enough, maybe they’re not really that interested in learning about new music, but the number one reason is that posting on internet forums is a waste of time. People know it’s a waste but do it anyway then get disgusted with themselves.
^ This paragraph has a lot of truth in it, though I can't imagine anyone thinking MB is "too snowflakey".
Frankly, this thread is illustrative of one of the most pathetic wastes of time I’ve ever seen online. 2500 or whatever reviews no one gives a **** about by a guy who admits he doesn’t even listen to the ****ing records.
^ And this paragraph is an example of the kind of thing that I suggest we avoid. If you're not interested in this thread, why not have the good manners to let it be?
Ultimately, almost every human endevour can be dismissed as a waste of time. There's no need, imo, to pick on this thread as an example of human futility. As old ladies sometimes do, my mum used to feed birds, putting out bird seed for them in the winter. Now of course, my mum and the birds she fed are long dead; it was all "one of the most pathetic wastes of time I've ever seen" but she liked to do it and it did no harm to anybody. Never would I have dreamed of calling her out on it. Maybe it's an overly-emotive parallel, but I hope people see what I'm suggesting. If a thread keeps someone happy, even if it's only the OP, why not let it be?
Originally Posted by Paedantic Basterd
But what does bother me is losing people I like to talk to because they find it more difficult to ignore it when you guys are being jerks. 
^ Yep, me too!