Originally Posted by Oriphiel
People who said that they'd miss TH: Lisnaholic, Micshazam, Batlord, GD, and me
People who got thanked for it: Lisnaholic, Micshazam, Batlord, and GD
Well fuuuuuuuuuu
Watch for the next post. You won't be disappointed.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
He left because of the Office Space trolling tbh.
This is the real truth.
Originally Posted by grindy
You're a big and important part of MB and also a cool person and I'll miss you.

Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard
ditto. place won't be the same without ya troll.
Thanks guys.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Seriously let's Skype some time because none of these ****s know Dredd from bread.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
I say we bring him back and make him a mod. I'm sure he's still reading and will jump at the chance.
Still reading, yes. Will jump at the chance, no.
Originally Posted by Frownland
It goes without saying that you'll be missed. You're a regular member who contributes a lot to the music side of the forum and that's very valuable. Hopefully you're doing alright everywhere else in life now and from now on if you stay away. If you don't have a blog already, that might be a good way to fulfill your music critic/writing/bants and rants needs.
I'm sorry if you see my intentions as malicious. I might get annoyed by some elements of your posting style, but that doesn't mean that I dislike you. I don't mean any ill will towards you, rubber soul (welcome back I guess? Odd time to come back) or anyone else here. Don't think that I have any kind of personal vendetta against you, it's just a matter of statistics to be honest. I interact with most of the members here similarly (joking around while still trying to have a discussion) and you happen to post a lot so of course we will have a lot of interaction. I also really enjoy discussing ideas which can be very personal, so it's easy to see some of my posts as personal attacks when I see it as a good-natured conversation.
This was completely unexpected. Thanks for that. I'm a little less certain now. actually wrote some very nasty things about you in my individual thanks post. Not sure if I should go ahead with that now.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
Whoomp there it is!
I respect your candor. And, surprisingly, your ability to wrap up my life story with uncharacteristic dexterity. I think your distaste for me has brought out some new literary skills.
I honestly really like you. I said before how much I respect how you care for your sister. I’m your most enthusiastic album club member. I don’t rag on people unless I like them. Remember how hard I ragged on Frownland for making that video in his mom’s kitchen. Or how much **** I gave elph for selling timeshares? Dude, I love Frown and elph. I also love Chula- but when he goes low I go lower. Batlord posted his picture and teased him relentlessly.
If you don’t leave, I will make a pledge never to tease you again. It’s too bad, because you swing back super hard and usually move on.
I really like reading your journal reviews and your jokes and your jabs. You’ve thrown out your share of haymakers, don’t even lie.
The thing about this is, if I could believe you were only getting under my skin, fine. But your manner is very acerbic and insulting, and if there's one big thing in my life it's my writing. I've been writing since I was, oh, about seven years old. You wouldn't believe the terrible crap I've written (well, yes you would) but I have also written some decent stuff. I have no problem with you not liking my writing - Frownland doesn't like it either, but he had the decency to compliment me on my grasp of character and plot, while still saying it wasn't to his taste, which is fine. But I don't like to be told I'm an awful writer, because I'm not. So you struck a raw nerve there. I wouldn't ask you to make that pledge, but I would ask you to maybe leave my writing as an off-limits subject? Would that work for you? Of course I've done my share of badmouthing, but I think I can say it's never been without provocation and always with humour (I think). I'm not perfect. Nobody is. But there are lines you don't cross. Even when I slagged off Frown's music, I made it clear I understood that others might like it, but I didn't. I did not say he was an awful musician. There is a difference, and yes, it hurts to hear that.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Unknown Soldier is my biggest request. He revitalized the metal community at least twice, created a journal to document metal through the years that I loved so much that I had an index thread stickied which I maintained until his untimely disappearance (and voted journal and thread of the year at least three times), and was in general a madass mother****er.
I'm still just a bit hurt that he never left any kind of byebye post so I'd know he didn't kill himself or get run over by a train.
Still around on Skype. I can hook you up if you want.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
I didn't know that. Might keep up just to say high if he shows up. He was a top 10 all-time member for me. Give me a shout if he does appear.
Say high or get high?
Originally Posted by elphenor
I've seen many a giant to do about leaving post in my day where a simple week hiatus would have done wonders
Originally Posted by Akai
A hiatus would be the more logical choice.
No. A hiatus would have been just "oh well see you in a week", and I feel - felt - more angry and upset than that. I wanted to show how badly things had gone, and the pass they had pushed me to. What's a week's hiatus? Would barely have registered here. Not that I did this for attention. I really feel/felt that it was my only option. It may yet be.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
People leave for all sorts of reasons: maybe they’re over sensitive pansies, maybe they think it’s too snowflakey and not abrasive enough, maybe they’re not really that interested in learning about new music, but the number one reason is that posting on internet forums is a waste of time. People know it’s a waste but do it anyway then get disgusted with themselves.
Frankly, this thread is illustrative of one of the most pathetic wastes of time I’ve ever seen online. 2500 or whatever reviews no one gives a **** about by a guy who admits he doesn’t even listen to the ****ing records.
I never said that. Why would I say that? Why would I do that? How could I review an album I didn't listen to? Maybe you're thinking of when I said I only listened to each one once? Not sure otherwise. Lost me there.
And often it’s not the super sensitive types who have something to offer. Often it’s the most abrasive people who are also the most knowledgeable and articulate.
How many ****ing times did someone basically say oh Frown shouldn’t disagree with me because he’s a mod? Snowflake bitch **** is all that is.
Never, that I saw. That would be stupid.
Also, it’s almost always tit for tat. People throw **** out there and then play this poor me I’m getting attacked card. 90% of the people here never got **** on by anyone. And that’s because they don’t start ****.
Yeah well you came after me with no provocation, Hawk. I was just posting my stuff and you started calling it ****, so I tried to turn it into a joke and you just got nasty.
Originally Posted by Man like Monkey
Hawk has a point.
And a beak.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Yeah as much as I agree with what Paedantic Bastard said, Sansa was one of the most toxic and abusive members I've ever seen on the forum, which is why she got banned.
Originally Posted by MicShazam
Been there, done that.
Oh really now, when did he say that?
Like I say, never. Would not make sense.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
I ain’t digging for it.
Easy answer there, Hawk. I can guarantee that I listened to every single album that is reviewed in that thread. And as for useless? It was, as it says in the OP, originally an idea for me to get a better handle on the current albums doing the rounds. And it has worked. I've discovered so many new artists through it, many/most of whom I would not even have bothered, um, bothering with otherwise. You don't like it, that's fine, but it's not a waste of time. Not for me. And I'm sure some people enjoyed some of the reviews. Surely? Someone? Little help?
Originally Posted by MicShazam
Actually, this comment is basically meaningless.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
This post alone would have made her loathe you, and not just because of her vanity. Man I now wish you two could have interacted.
They probably would have formed an alliance against me.