Originally Posted by The Batlord
The forum was a different place at the time, and largely because of Sansa. She was an unintentional satire of a tumblr feminist and would bludgeon the forum into being more tumblr-esque through sheer force of will. She was certainly a character, but there's a reason why using "***got" in posts became somewhat of a fad some time after she got banned.
The forum became a bit less colorful when she got banned, but it also became much less stifling to ideas and attitudes she deemed problematic. You two would have hated each other. I'm sad that ****storm never happened tbh.
Originally Posted by Sansa Stark
My mom just posted this on facebook and i just had to post it with one of my recent selfies:
lmao i always give my bro **** for never changing his look but i'm just as bad, i still dress like a 5 yr old
Well she looks ****able. Until she grew up.