Originally Posted by Paedantic Basterd
I know what Sansa was banned for because I was a mod at the time.
And yeah, Kii and Sansa brought like 50% of it down on their own heads, I won't dispute that, but with Sansa, Vanilla and Urban were deliberately conspiring about how to goad her into arguments so they could ban her. At one point, they attempted to ban her before she'd actually done anything as a way of preventing her from commenting about a particular event that had occurred.
It was ****ing wack and it's why I quit, followed very shortly by Mojo and NSW on similar grounds.
Wait, what? I may not have liked the bitch on many occasions, but that's some schoolyard ****. I can believe it of Vanilla since they were like two cats, and as much as I liked her she could definitely be petty. But I figured Urban would be above that.
Honestly though goading Sansa into ****storms was one of the best things ever. It was so fun and easy.