Originally Posted by rubber soul
Well this comment says it all. It seems either you think it’s totally okay for certain members to attack people at any moment, or you are willfully turning your heads as if to say, “I see nothing.” Did it occur to you nobody has been banned because the forum wants to tolerate bullying behavior?
So maybe your forum (and I’m saying your forum; I’m only on to post this), is at something of a crossroads. The forum can be run by the likes of Occult and Frownland or maybe the members that really matter will be the Trollhearts and Lisnaholics of the world. It’s up to you guys. I mean you’ve lost me, Pet Sounds, and maybe Troll. Who else do you wish to alienate? I can see Occult adding the names of people he’s driven away from the forum as if they’re medals of honors. That might satisfy him, but it won’t be good if there aren’t many people left.
Anyhow, maybe this is something the Mods should chew on, that is, if they really care. Meanwhile, I’ll say hi to those that were/are my friends here. If you’re interested in a writing site that does actually treat people with respect, send me a PM. My E-mail is still set to read MB messages.
Okay, Frown and Occult, show me your venom since that’s all you two are capable of doing. I’m off to friendlier pastures anyway.
Oh dear, I didn't realise you'd left us in that sense, rubber soul.

I thought something more exciting irl had caught your attention for a week or so....
I'll be in touch later, if that's ok...