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Old 03-15-2018, 06:38 PM   #2128 (permalink)
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Album title: Lindsey Buckingham/Christine McVie
Artist: Lindsay Buckingham and Christine McVie
Genre: Rock/Pop Rock
Nationality: English/American
Release date: June 9
Position in Discography: (shrug) If you regard it as a collab between them, then it's their first. If, however, you take it as a Fleetwood Mac album (which it really is) then it's their eighteenth.
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Average RYM Score: 3.19
Anyone who knows Fleetwood Mac knows Christine McVie was born Christine Perfect, and only changed her name after marrying Mac bassist John McVie, which is a pity, as otherwise this could have been the Perfect/Buckingham album! Is it perfect? I don't know, but with everyone else from Fleetwood Mac taking part (with the very pointed exception of Stevie Nicks) this is, in all but name, the new Fleetwood Mac album. Admittedly, all songs are written by the two whose names appear in the title, but otherwise you might as well add it to your Mac collection. It sounds just like Rumours or Mirage or even Tango in the Night, which is not by any means a bad thing, but I really don't know why they bothered. This sounds just like any Mac album from the last few decades; why not just call it the new FM album?

Well, I see that basically that's more or less what it was supposed to be, but because Nicks didn't take part they decided to release it under the name of the two of them instead. I can kind of understand that, but at the same time, Fleetwood Mac is not Stevie Nicks, so with the rest of them there, why not just release it as a Mac album without Nicks? That sounds a bit rude. Well, you know what I mean. Anyway, essentially here is the new Fleetwood Mac album, and it's as good as Say You Will, perhaps even better. But if you're expecting something experimental or new or different, prepare to be disappointed. But in a good way.
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Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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