Album title: Witness
Artist: Katy Perry
Genre: Electropop
Nationality: American
Release date: June 9
Position in Discography: Fifth
Estimated Rating:
Have I heard of this artist? Yes
Have I heard anything by this artist? No (that's right: I've never heard a single Katy Perry song. No, not even that one.)
Average RYM Score: 2.24
Interestingly, not as blandly poppy as I had expected, almost synthpop in a way. I like the title track certainly, which is also the opener, but I could do without Nicki Minaj, well, at any time really, but particularly on “Swish Swish”. It's an okay song but she doesn't add anything to it and it's far from the best on the album. “Power” has a lot of, um, power, and has a kind of dramatic tone to it, and I really like the passion she puts into “Mind Maze” and , yeah, “Miss You More” is pretty damn fine too. Further into the album I feel the tracks begin to get weaker - “Chained to the Rhythm”, “Tsunami”, “Bon Appetit”, “Bigger Than Me” do little for me – but then “Save As Draft” brings the quality back up to what it was before, darkly brooding and somewhat epic-sounding. The album ends quite well. Better than I had expected, I'll be honest.
Check out more from this artist? Yes
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
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