Album title: Revolution Come ... Revolution Go
Artist: Gov't Mule
Genre: Southern Rock/Blues Rock/Hard Rock
Nationality: American
Release date: June 9
Position in Discography: Eleventh
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Average RYM Score: 3.43
Decent bit of southern rock all right. “Pressure Under Fire” has a nice grindy, storming feel to it, “The Man I Want To Be” reminds me of classic Kansas, and “Dreams and Songs” is a strong blues ballad, even if it does borrow a little too freely from Creedence's “Long As I Can See the Light”. You certainly get the impression (whether it's the case or not) that these are guys who spend their time drinking hard, riding 'sickles and generally raising hell. It's good honest down-to-earth rock; not a lot more I can say really. “Easy Times” is an introspective, reflective ballad, and the title track is almost an epic, edging into eight-minute territory. The closer is good too, a gutsy, rocky reinterpretation of a traditional song.
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