Album title: All is Vanity
Artist: Christina Grimmie
Genre: Pop/Electropop
Nationality: American
Release date: June 9
Position in Discography: Second and final
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Average RYM Score: 2.73
I've just read that this lady was killed by a supposed fan, which is horrible and inexcusable, but prior to this I had never even heard of her. This, her second album, was apparently released posthumously, with the consent of her family. “Steady Love” is a powerful pop ballad, good percussion on it, there's a real blues sway to “Crowded Room”. “Pressure” is okay, though I could do without the speaking bits going on in the background, not sure what that's about. “Echo” is really good though, upbeat without being annoying, then “I Only Miss You When I Breathe” is one of the standouts, a darkly atmospheric and bitter ballad which really showcases her voice. A horribly sad and tragic end to a promising career, indeed.
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