Album title: Saturation
Artist: Brockhampton
Genre: Hip-hop
Nationality: American
Release date: June 9
Position in Discography: Debut
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Average RYM Score: 3.53
Can't say I've heard of such a thing as a “hip-hop boy band” before. This could be interesting. Or awful. Well, this is some angry **** - “**** you! I'll break your neck so you can watch your back!” Ah, you have to laugh, don't you? The opening track sounds more like that Grime I've listened to once or twice. Can't say that's a good thing, though it's not really a bad one either, at least in this case. There's something about this that's quite ... magnetic? “Gold” is much better; interesting how each song title (other than the skits) is a single word. I like “Fake” too, kind of a new-wave synthy thing going on in the sample, and “Cash” has a nice traplike feel to it.
Not mad about “Milk” but “Face” is the business. Finally, “Waste” is a fantastic closer. Pretty good album in the end really. Doubt I'd be a fan, but I see they released two more albums in 2017, so I'm bound to bump into them again along the way.
Check out more from this artist? I guess
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
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