Album title: Binary
Artist: Ani DiFranco
Genre: Indie Rock
Nationality: American
Release date: June 9
Position in Discography: Nineteenth
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Average RYM Score: 3.08
I only heard one album by DiFranco before, and I remember not being very impressed by it, and the opening, and title, track does nothing to change that opinion. “Pacifist's Lament” is better, though not really that much, and I have to say I'm feeling the same kind of apathy that I did when I listened to the other album of hers,
Which Side Are You On? Just really not interested. Can't find anything to latch onto. Well, having said that, “Sasquatch” has a nice jazzy piano beat, which is very pleasing, and a fairly low-key vocal on which she often slides into scat vocalise, and that's quite a good track. Mind you, this is track nine of eleven, so a little late. Let's see what the last two are like. Okay, “Terrifying Sight” is not without its charm, but the closer is weak to the max. No, not really impressed.
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