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Old 03-11-2018, 04:23 PM   #2087 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: The Optimist
Artist: Anathema
Genre: Alt-Rock/Post Rock/Progressive Rock
Nationality: English
Release date: June 9
Position in Discography: Eleventh
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Have I heard of this artist? Yes
Have I heard anything by this artist? Yes
Average RYM Score: 3.22
Apparently this album is a concept based loosely around another of Anathema's albums, which I don't know of, so I hope that lack of knowledge won't infringe on my enjoyment of this album. “Endless Ways” is a great track, starts off like a ballad then comes into life on the back of some chugging guitar (seems to be a female vocal, whom I guess is Lee Douglas) and powers along really well. The title track is great too, as is the instrumental “San Francisco” and Lee Douglas is back to take the vocal for the slowburning “Springfield”. Almost ethereal, this one, very haunting, builds to a powerful climax. Shut up, Batty.

“Can't Let Go” is probably the most uptempo song on this album so far, and again it's Lee on the mic; she sings so much on this it's a wonder she's not credited as lead vocalist. Of course, being a prog album there has to be an epic, and it's the closer, almost twelve minutes of “Back to the Start”. This album is one of the real prog finds of 2017. Of course, I haven't exactly had much time for prog-looking, either in 2017 or this year, but this is definitely going on the keeper list. Superb.

Check out more from this artist? Oh yeah
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Always

Actual Rating:
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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