Album title: CollXtion II
Artist: Allie X
Genre: Synthpop
Nationality: Canadian
Release date: June 9
Position in Discography: Debut
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Average RYM Score: 3.29
I have to say, this is pretty ****. Well, it's pretty ordinary at least. I've no interest at all. Well, not much anyway. “Lifted” has a nice relaxed reggae feel, and “Simon Says” has an almost trap feel to it, quite dramatic and epic in its scope. I like “Old Habits Die Hard” too: this is definitely taking an upswing after a really lacklustre opening. Hmm. “That's So Us” is very twee and annoying though, but then “Downtown” makes up for that with a much more mature, brooding track and the closer is good too, so yeah, started badly but got a whole lot better as it went on.
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