Album title: Kwon Ji Yong
Artist: G-Dragon
Genre: K-pop
Nationality: Korean
Release date: June 8
Position in Discography: Second EP; fifth overall
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Average RYM Score: 2.80
And it's another K-pop. Lord, deliver me. G-Dragon? Really? Well, in my odyssey through this genre I've certainly come across his name, and he seems to be a big thing over there. For me, it's possibly the worst one yet. The guy drags so many western cliches into his music (“Who Let the Dogs Out?”/that annoying squeaky voice so many rappers seem to use that I've remarked upon before/ the group grunt/ descending keyboard scale etc) it's a wonder this is even considered K-pop. But it is. He certainly seems to have made his fortune by aping and copying hip-hop and pop artists over this side of the big blue, and I suppose you have to give him kudos for seeing an opening and exploiting it, but it's not for me. Maybe he's having a laugh ... all the way to the bank. Oh well. At least, again, it's short, only five tracks.
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