Album title: This One's For You
Artist: Luke Combs
Genre: Country/Country Pop
Nationality: American
Release date: June 2
Position in Discography: Debut
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Have I heard of this artist? No
Average RYM Score: 2.84
Yeah, I don't know: I'm hearing quite a lot of country in this list, and it really has to be something special to pique my interest. I've come across some great new artists in this genre – Aaron Watson, Sunny Sweeney, Chris Stapleton – but I've also come across both some godawful trash and some really bog-standard meh fare. Not sure yet where this sits, though the opener and “Lonely One” are pretty good. Most of it is really - “Hurricane” is a standout – but “Don't Tempt Me “ is pretty terrible. I'd say it's a good country album, but I couldn't honestly say it's anything special. Ending with a track called “Honky Tonk Highway” is really just asking for it though, and he has no-one but himself to blame for that, I'm afraid.
Check out more from this artist? Might but there are better country artists I'll be checking out first
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
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