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Old 03-05-2018, 03:17 PM   #2051 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Dua Lipa
Artist: Dua Lipa
Genre: Pop
Nationality: English
Release date: June 2
Position in Discography: Debut
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Average RYM Score: 2.91
The first song is pretty annoying but the second one has more about it, with a very catchy chorus edging almost into Fleetwood Mac territory in ways. Not bad really. “Be the One” is pretty good, as is “Hotter Than Hell”. Most of these were, apparently, singles, and hit singles at that, so you probably all know them. I don't. The kissing sounds in “Blow Your Mind (Mwah)” are cringe to the max, but the song isn't bad really. Then there's “Garden”, which may end up being the best on the album. Or maybe it might be “No Goodbyes”. Except that ****ing squeaky voice is on the track. Why does everyone – ah, I've asked that before; either no-one knows or they're not telling me. But damn it is annoying. Great song though. “Homesick” is a good closer too. This was better than I had originally expected it to be.

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Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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